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Divs - 延伸到可变高度

更新时间:2023-10-08 19:10:17




On line 75 of the CSS code you set the height of the div#navigationContainer to 0px. When a percentage is used for either a width or height this is a percentage of an element''s containing block. Since the parent of div#returnMenu is div#navigationContainer the height calculates to 100% of 0px, therefore the div has zero height.

To put you on the right path change line 75 of the CSS to :
展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

I''ve just had another quick glance at this and while it now looks better in IE7 and Firefox it does not look correct in IE6. I will have another look tomorrow as I am short of time at the moment.



The height: auto does not work either (used to have it at that). I think its not working because the parent is trying to shrink to the contents (Height: auto) and the contents are trying to expand to the parent (height: 100%).
I have tried taking the #returnMenu out of the parent and matching height using javascript but the javascript reads a variable height as null :S (even when using .pixelHeight). I may try to have them both in a row of a table next as it will match the heights but not sure if ill be able to make the td''s on that row overlap while keeping the matched heights.
