
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-20 12:50:52

当然是有你的股票应用程序和SDK之间的冲突。所以,如果你不想uninnstall股票HTC应用程序,并仍使用SDK 3.0,我认为你***的选择,而不modying的SDK源$ C ​​$ C将禁用SSO和密码只能通过web视图。

这可以很容易地通过添加SessionLoginBehavior.SU preSS_SSO每次试图打开一个新的会话完成。下面是一个示例我从SessionLoginSample(LoginUsingActivityActivity)从Facebook的SDK改为告诉你该怎么做:

    会话会话= Session.getActiveSession();
    如果(会话== NULL){
        如果(savedInstanceState!= NULL){
            会议= Session.restoreSession(本,空,statusCallback,savedInstanceState);
        如果(会话== NULL){

            //添加燮preSS SSO的行为给力的WebView身份验证对话框弹出

否则,如果你不介意改变了Facebook的SDK code,你应该检查这个的出

I have implemented the Facebook login and it works fine on some devices/AVDs. My development device is a Gingerbread phone, but testing it with a 4.1.1 device, it simply does not log in. After pressing the facebook button, it shows a blank screen (trying to connect Facebook), and after 1-2 seconds it comes back to the home screen. Also, no errors are toasted or displayed in the Logcat. Oh, and the Facebook application is installed in the device... Any ideas?


I enabled logging as suggested by Mark Venzke and using this procedure, and I got this warning (twice) on every login attempt (note: testing with a HTC One S phone):

07-05 20:14:50.582: W/PackageManager(605): Unable to load service info ResolveInfo{4171dbf0 com.htc.socialnetwork.facebook.remote.FacebookSyncService p=0 o=0 m=0x108000}

Note the com.htc.socialnetwork.facebook.remote.FacebookSyncService line, so is there any extra step needed for HTC devices?

Also, I'm attaching the code where the login is performed:

private void onSessionStateChange(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) {
    if (isResumed) {
        FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
        int backStackSize = manager.getBackStackEntryCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < backStackSize; i++) {
        if (state.isOpened()) {

            Bundle params = new Bundle();
            params.putString("fields", "id");
            params.putString("limit", "1");             
            Request request = new Request(Session.getActiveSession(), "me", params, HttpMethod.GET, new Callback()

                public void onCompleted(Response response)
                    if (response != null)
                        Log.d("AuthGraphResponse", response.toString());
                        long id;
                        try {
                            id = response.getGraphObject().getInnerJSONObject().getLong("id");
                            Log.d("UserID", Long.valueOf(id).toString());
                        } catch (JSONException e) {

            RequestAsyncTask task = new RequestAsyncTask(request);

            showFragment(AUTH, false);
        } else if (state.isClosed()) {
            showFragment(UNAUTH, false);


Is it possible that HTC renames the package name of the default Facebook application in all the devices (or some of them, whatever) to com.htc.socialnetwork.facebook (instead of com.facebook.katana) and it leads to this conflict? I don't really think that uninstalling the default app and installing Facebook from Google Play is an acceptable solution (also, I think default apps cannot be uninstalled).


Not solved yet. 19 hours to award the 100 reputation bounty!


Another interesting line of the LogCat:

07-15 10:55:51.718: E/chromium(30475): external/chromium/net/disk_cache/stat_hub.cc:216: [0715/105551:ERROR:stat_hub.cc(216)] StatHub::Init - App com.facebook.katana isn't supported.

There is certainly a conflict between your stock app and the SDK. So if you don't want to uninnstall the stock HTC app and still use the SDK 3.0 I think your best bet without modying the source code of the sdk would be to disable SSO and login only through webview.

This can easily be done by adding the SessionLoginBehavior.SUPRESS_SSO everytime you try to open a new session. Here is a sample I changed from the SessionLoginSample (LoginUsingActivityActivity) from the Facebook SDK to show you what to do :

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
    if (session == null) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            session = Session.restoreSession(this, null, statusCallback, savedInstanceState);
        if (session == null) {
            session = new Session(this);

        //add the check, for if session is opened
        if (session.getState().equals(SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED) || !session.getState().isOpened()) {
            //Add the suppress SSO behavior to force webview auth dialog to popup
            session.openForRead(new Session.OpenRequest(this).setCallback(statusCallback).setLoginBehavior(SessionLoginBehavior.SUPPRESS_SSO));
//then put your code in the statusCallback method or keep it in the session state change listener

Otherwise if you don't mind changing the facebook sdk code, you should check this out