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在jQuery Mobile中的Ajax调用上显示页面加载微调器

更新时间:2023-10-24 12:03:04


A few people have asked about the workaround I ended up implementing, so I figured I'd share it. It's nothing particularly elegant or complicated, but it did seem to work. I haven't used the framework since the official 1.0 was released, so this may have been solved in the update. Essentially, I put the $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg() call into the pageshow function, but wrapped it in an if clause that only fires the first time the page is shown:

var mainloaded = false;

$('#main').live('pageshow', function(event) {   //Workaround to show page loading on initial page load
    if(!mainloaded) {

$('#main').live('pagecreate', function(event) { 
        url: //url
        dataType: //datatype,
        headers: //headers
        success: function(data) {
            //...loading stuff
            mainloaded = true;
        //...handle error, etc.