
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-24 18:24:10


You cannot monitor user activity directly from a service. The service will be running in a different window station from the users activities and so will have no way to hook into that activity (except through filter drivers that would need to be written in C).

所以,你需要一个运行在用户的桌面和挂接到键盘和鼠标活动的客户端应用程序。你会做到这一点通过两个调用Windows API SetWindowsHookEx函数使用JNI(低级别的键盘和鼠标钩子)。要监视活动的应用程序然后将需要处理的键盘和鼠标钩子消息。

So you will need a client application that runs in the user's desktop and hooks into the keyboard and mouse activity. You would do that via two calls to the Windows API SetWindowsHookEx (for low level keyboard and mouse hooks) using JNI. To monitor activity the application would then need to process the keyboard and mouse hooks for messages.


You could launch the application as auto-start by adding an entry to the registry's Run key or you could have your service monitor for session log on events and launch the application from it. Then the user session application could either process the information itself or pass it to the service via a pipe or socket.