
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-27 15:44:46


I would suggest you to look at your requirements regarding boosting, since your current script doesn't make much sense.

另外,请查看弹性搜索的文档查询DSL 。它提供复合查询和简单查询,可以组合在一起。如错误所示,您不能将过滤器放在自定义分数查询中。您可以在自定义分数查询内使用过滤查询 :$ {

Also, have a look at the documentation for the elasticsearch query DSL. It provides either compound queries and simple ones, which you can combine together. As the error says, you can't put a filter inside a custom score query. You can either use a filtered query inside the custom score query:

  "query": {
    "custom_score": {
      "query": {
        "filtered" : {
          "query" : {
            "match": {
              "xxx": {
                "query": "foobar"
          "filter" : {
            "and": [
                "query": {
                  "match": {
                    "yyyy": {
                      "query": "barfoo"
      "script": "_score * doc['_score']"


or use a top level filter like this:

  "query": {
    "custom_score": {
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "xxx": {
            "query": "foobar"
      "script": "_score * doc['_score']"
  "filter": {
    "and": [
        "query": {
          "match": {
            "yyyy": {
              "query": "barfoo"


The difference between the two options is that the top level filter is not considered if you make facets too in your search request, while if you put the filters within the query they are considered.


One other thing to look at: you don't need an and filter if you have only a single clause. Also, it usually doesn't make sense to put a full-text search within a filter, since filters are cacheable and given that full-text searches are free and pretty much unpredictable it would be a waste to cache them.