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更新时间:2023-11-09 09:36:52

您将不得不深入了解焦点在 Flex 中的工作原理.这不是一个完整的答案,但希望您可以整理出适合您的解决方案.大约 4-5 年前,我在 Flex 3 中这样做过,但在 Flex 4 中应该是类似的.

焦点如何在 Flex 中工作

需要了解的主要内容是 FocusManager 单例类和 IFocusManagerComponent 界面.

FocusManager 根据用户交互(鼠标点击、键盘导航等)在 UI 周围移动焦点.

如果一个组件实现了 IFocusManagerComponent 接口,那么 FocusManager 会将它包含在tab"循环中,并允许通过键盘导航来聚焦该组件.>

Focus 如何与 Flex 列表组件配合使用

您已经偶然发现了焦点如何与 List 组件和项目渲染器一起工作的特殊性.Flex List 组件实现了 IFocusMangerComponent,因此当您在 UI 中使用 Tab 键时,FocusManager 会将焦点发送到列表.

List 可能会或可能不会聚焦项目渲染器.在 Flex 3 中,您必须使用可编辑的项目渲染器才能实现这一点,在 Flex 4 中可能相同,也可能不同.



  • 覆盖受保护的 keyDownHandler() 方法.我手边没有代码,但是如果您在 List 类中查看它的实现,您应该能够让您的覆盖版本将焦点设置在下一个渲染器上.

  • 使用 FocusManager 的方法在选项卡循环中查找组件:getNextFocusManagerComponent(), findFocusManagerComponent().检查文档,还有其他有用的文档.例如,当用户按下向下箭头时,可以让下一项渲染器被选中,然后使用findFocusManagerComponent()(传入新选中的渲染器)然后告诉FocusManager 使用 setFocus() 方法聚焦它.这可能不是正确的方法;)

  • 顺便说一下,FocusManger 是一个 Flex 单例对象,Flex 中的每个 UIComponent 都有一个 focusManager 属性,您可以使用它来获取对它的引用.

  • 考虑禁用不需要接收焦点的对象的焦点(如项目渲染器中的 Label).有许多属性可以做到这一点:focusEnabledhasFocusableChildrenmouseFocusEnabledtabEnabledtabChildren代码>等

  • 考虑禁用对 List 组件的关注,然后让您的项目渲染器实现 IFocusManagerComponent 接口.实现接口很简单,你只需在你的类中声明它(没有实际的方法来实现).棘手的部分将是您的项目渲染器现在需要具有键按下处理程序(只需覆盖所有 UIComponent 对象都具有的受保护的 keyDownHandler() 方法).


We have a list that uses a custom renderer containing a label, a checkbox and two icons (which have click events). This list needs to be made WCAG 2.0 compliant and in order to do that we need the list to be keyboard navigable.

The problem is with being able to move from one list item to the next and have the focus move to the label for the next/previous list item. Specifically, when the user enters the list using TAB button, the label for the first list item receives focus (highlighted box around text) and the entire row in the list is highlighted as the selected item.

However, when the user then presses the down arrow key to move to the next list item, the next row becomes highlighted (is now the selected item) but the focus remains on the label of the previous row (highlight still shown around label for row 1). The only way to get the focus to move to the newly selected row is to tab through the checkbox and two icons. This isn't a big deal if there are only a couple list items but would be a pain if there are 20+ rows in the list.

Is there a way to get the focus to move to the label of the newly selected row as soon as the user moves (using up/down cursor keys) to the new list item? I know a picture would help but I don't have anyway of posting a screenshot online. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You're going to have to dig into how focus works in Flex. This is not a complete answer, but hopefully you can put together a solution that works for you. I did this about 4-5 years ago in Flex 3, but it should be similar in Flex 4.

How Focus Works in Flex

The main things to know are the FocusManager singleton class and the IFocusManagerComponent interface.

The FocusManager moves the focus around the UI based on user interactions (mouse clicks, keyboard navigation, etc.).

If a component implements the IFocusManagerComponent interface, then the FocusManager will include it in the "tab" loop and allow the component to be focused via keyboard navigation.

How Focus Works With Flex List Components

You've already stumbled onto the peculiarities of how focus works with the List component and item renderers. The Flex List components implement IFocusMangerComponent and so when you tab through the UI the FocusManager sends the focus to the list.

The List may or may not focus the item renderers. In Flex 3 you had to be using editable item renderers for this to happen, it may or may not be the same in Flex 4.

Some Ideas for Solutions to Your Problem

I think there are numerous ways to solve this. Use some combination of these techniques:

  • override the protected keyDownHandler() method of the List component. I don't have the code handy, but if you look at it's implementation in the List class you should be able to make your overridden version set the focus on the next renderer.

  • use methods of the FocusManager to find components in the tab loop: getNextFocusManagerComponent(), findFocusManagerComponent(). Check the docs there are others that will be useful. For example, when the user presses the down arrow, you can let the next item renderer get selected, then use findFocusManagerComponent() (passing in the newly selected renderer) and then tell the FocusManager to focus it with the setFocus() method. This is probably not exactly the right approach ;)

  • By the way, the FocusManger is a Flex singleton object, every UIComponent in Flex has a focusManager property you can use to get a reference to it.

  • consider disabling focus on objects that don't need to receive focus (like the Label in your item renderer). There are numerous properties to do this: focusEnabled, hasFocusableChildren, mouseFocusEnabled, tabEnabled, tabChildren etc.

  • consider disabling focus on the List component, but then making your item renderers implement the IFocusManagerComponent interface. Implementing the interface is simple, you just declare it in your class (there's no actual methods to implement). The tricky part will be now your item renderers need to have key down handlers (just override the protected keyDownHandler() method that all UIComponent objects have).

I think there are other techniques you can use, it's just been too long since I did this. I'd be happy to provide more help if you get stuck somehwere...