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如何在Angular 6中的单个项目下的多个应用程序之间导航

更新时间:2023-11-09 15:11:52


I think that you have misunderstood the purpose of an Angular project supporting multiple applications.


There are basically two scenarios that I believe that this feature is meant to support:

  1. 一个库项目,以及一个用于执行它的示例应用程序.

  1. A library project, and a sample application that is used to exercise it.


Multiple, usually similar applications that use the same or similar sets of NPM libraries. In this case, the advantage is that you can install the libraries at the project level once, instead of having to install them in each application. For an example of how this is done, see https://yakovfain.com/2017/04/06/angular-cli-multiple-apps-in-the-same-project.


Neither of these use-cases involves running two Angular applications at the same time, and switching between them. As far as I know, this is not supported.


What you may want to do instead is to combine the components from both applications into one application, with each former application in it's own module. You can then make each of these modules lazy-loaded, and use the application's top-level router to switch between the two modules.