
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-14 08:16:34


The order of keys in a query doesn't matter: MongoDB is smart enough to look at all the queried properties and find a suitable index.


However, the order of keys defined in an index does matter: a compound index can be used to match queries against any prefix of its keys, in the order they are defined in the index document. So your index above can be used to answer queries like {propA: 'x', propB: 'y'} but not queries like {propB: 'y', propC: 'z'}.

您可以使用 explain() 来找出MongoDB将用于特定查询的索引.

You can use explain() to figure out which index MongoDB is going to use for a specific query.