
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-19 19:15:46

您需要了解 scope 。您已在 beforeFilter()作用域中初始化了一个变量,然后尝试在 showMe 作用域中使用它。两个是完全不同的。

You need to learn about scope. You have initialised a variable in the beforeFilter() scope and then trying to use it in the showMe scope. The two are completely different.


You can make a variable that is scoped to the entire class, normally called a property...

function beforeFilter() {
   $this->fancyVendor = new fancyVendor();

function showMe() {
   echo $this->fancyVendor->getValue();

另一点要注意的是,您可以使用 App :: uses()方法来加载类。根据你的命名它会工作。 (类是以这种方式加载的)

Another point to note is that you can use the App::uses() method to load the class. According to your naming it would work. (class is lazy loaded this way)

App::uses('fancyVendor', 'Vendor');