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如何检查文本文件是否为空或c ++中不存在?

更新时间:2023-11-26 22:06:28


The only way your function can return false is if ifstream(the_file) fails, meaning it can't open the file at all, whether it exists or not. If the file does exist but ifstream still fails, double check that the_file contains the correct path and filename, and that your app has rights to access the file.


Note that you are opening the file twice, once by ifstream and again by fstream. You don't need to do that. You should open the file only once, and return true if you are able to read the values you want from it, eg:

bool readHSV(const string &the_file)
    ifstream inFile(the_file);
    if (inFile >> h_min >> h_max >> s_min >> s_max >> v_min >> v_max)
        cout << h_min << endl
             << h_max << endl
             << s_min << endl
             << s_max << endl
             << v_min << endl
             << v_max;
        return true;
    return false;