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更新时间:2023-12-02 22:08:40

如果要在现有窗口中创建标签,则可以使用 chrome.windows.getAll() 获取当前打开的窗口的数组并遍历结果,直到看到 incognito 设置为 true 的窗口

If you want to create a tab inside an existing window you can use chrome.tabs.create() specifying the windowId of an existing window. To know which one of the open windows is in incognito mode, you can use chrome.windows.getAll() to get an array of currently open windows and iterate through the results until you see one with incognito set to true.


chrome.windows.getAll({populate: false, windowTypes: ['normal']}, function(windows) {
    for (let w of windows) {
        if (w.incognito) {
            // Use this window.
            chrome.tabs.create({url: "https://google.com", windowId: w.id});

    // No incognito window found, open a new one.
    chrome.windows.create({url: "https://google.com", incognito: true});