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更新时间:2023-12-06 12:19:52


You could just eat the event if the button is locked. However, making the button disabled is the standard indisutry way of saying "you can''t use this control right now".

If you don''t like the grayed-out appearance, you could always completely hide them, but I can tell you from a number of years of experience designing user interfaces that users don''t really like it when stuff just disappears from the screen.


I''ve had customers complain that when textboxes are disabled or even just readonly they can''t read the value in them. To get around things like that I have a variable that tracks when things are supposed to be read-only. Then every event for those controls just gets skipped when that variable is set to true. So, something like this:

Dim boolMakeReadOnly as Boolean = True

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If boolMakeReadOnly Then Return ''This exits the event

''Original code for the submit button (gets skipped if boolMakeReadOnly is true)

End Sub


I don''t know if this is possible, give it a shot

<br />
btnSubmit_CrtIss.Readonly= False<br />
btnReset_CrtIss.Readonly= False